![](http://van.ipimg.com/diary_pic/72/67/64/646772/diary_0806272702m.jpg) 今天在裝網路的時候, 透過窗戶看到對面的一對男女在吵架, 超大聲
男:我跟妳講沒有就沒有, 沒什麼好解釋的
女:你手機裡的簡訊都寫這樣了, 還沒有?
男:我已經跟妳說過了, 那只是同事開玩笑惡作劇而已, 不用小題大作吧!
女:這不是第一次了, 說我無理取鬧, 你摸著良心說說看
接下來聽到鏗鏗鏘鏘的聲音, 大概在摔東西吧!
女:是你逼我的, 嗚
雖然後來好像沒啥事發生, 不過我想沒事就是好事
或許我們旁人只是個局外人, 根本無法了解他們之間的感受
結果還不是一樣, oh my god ,現在流行講反話嗎?導演是個騙子,噗
不過這個完結篇讓我感覺還不錯, 沒有虎頭蛇尾,
梨衣子救了奈特之後, 好像感覺到奈特才是自己生活中不可缺少重要的人
甚至放棄去巴黎學習的機會, 放棄了成為點心師的夢想, 只為了待在奈特的身邊!
奈特每天起床都會做愛心蛋包飯的梨衣子吃, 但一不小心就被房東太太偷吃了,
梨衣子織了一條圍巾給奈特, 手套 毛衣 帽子, 明年後年, 每年都給奈特織!
但梨衣子卻不曉得奈特經過上次的衝擊, 機能將要完全停止了!
奈特事先錄了一段錄影給梨衣子, 記錄這過去幸福相處的模樣,
當然梨衣子一起床, 透過並切先生告知奈特的情況之後,
奈特溫柔的告訴梨衣子, 要她帶著自信向前走, 跟創志一起去巴黎完成夢想,
我會在天國守護著妳, 祈禱妳會一直幸福!
這才感受到, 第一集講到的, 傾其所愛的感覺!
看到奈特, 才發現身為男人的我們, 缺少的實在太多!
梨衣子問過奈特, 奈特是機械人, 只有我會變成老太婆吧!
奈特回答說, 就算經過了30年, 50年, 100年, 我還是會愛著妳喔!
雖然這不是我喜歡的結局, 希望奈特能一直和梨衣子走下去!
聽一下, 還不錯的歌喔!以下是歌詞
The Rasmus-Still Standing
I wish you here tonight with me to see the northern lights
I wish you were here tonight with me
I wish I could have you by my side tonight when the sky is burning
I wish I could have you by my side
Cause I've been down and I've been crawling
Won't back down no more
Can't you stop the lies, falling from the skies
Down on me, I'm still standing
Can't you roll the dice, I might be surprised
Conscience clear, I'm still standing here
burns like a thousand stars, though you are light years away
burns like a thousand stars or more
you're up there, you're always with me
smiling down on me
can't you stop the lies, falling from the skies
down on me, I'm still standing
can't you roll the dice, I might be surprised
conscience clear, I'm still standing here
It's something sacred, something so beautiful
something quiet to ease my mind
when the pressure's taking me over and over
cause I've been down and I've been crawling
pushed around and always falling
you're up there, you're always with me
smiling down on me
can't you stop the lies, falling from the skies
down on me, I'm still standing
can't you roll the dice, I might be surprised
conscience clear, I'm still standing here
can't you stop the lies, falling from the skies
down on me, I'm still standing here
can't you roll the dice, I might be surprised
conscience clear, I'm still standing here