我最討厭的人~~~就是妳!~~就是妳自己 You, Michelle, You Screw Up Everything........................ I hate you so so oso so os oso os o much......!
妳爲什麼要傷害他! 妳爲什麼要利用他! 妳爲什麼要去傷害一個愛你的人! 妳爲什麼要拿他來當代替品~~~~~ 妳爲什麼要讓他覺得沒安全感~~~~~ 妳爲什麼要讓他覺得即使在同一個城市生活~~但你們間的距離卻像是南極跟北極一樣的遠~~~~~ 妳爲什麼要讓他覺得妳從來沒有喜歡過他~~~ 妳爲什麼永遠只是讓他在爲感情付出~而妳...just give him a shit 妳真的是~~世界上的超級大爛人~~~~~~
手在發抖~眼淚不停的流~~~但~那又能怎樣呢~~~妳已經傷害了他! 這是妳這輩子做過最錯錯錯的事~~~You screw up everything~~~ You, such as a bitch
U are bad bad bad bad bad..... How can u did that do him......!? How.......U are not the michelle i knew.......... I hate youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
You are a bad lover You are a bad girlfriend You are a bad daughter You are a bad Student You are a bad bad bad bad bad person.........................