The dumbest ass in the whole world, at least in North America, has to be Mr. Spitzer. Why is he qualified for this title? 1. He had sex with a hooker and got caught by Police. (My mistake, it was actually by FBI). 2. He resigned from his Governor Job. He is unemployed and he cannot even claim unemployed benefits because he quitted the job. His wife is a corporate lawyer and I don't think his marriage shall stay long. 3. He overpaid the hooker. She is charging him $1000 an hour. You can Google for Ashley Durpre and make your own judgments to see if she is worth $1000. Well, maybe her look is not as good as her performance. 4. He admits his wrong doing which had sex with a hooker in public. HE HASN'T LEARNED ANYTHING FROM TAIWANESE POLITICIANS YET. All he needs to say is Republican Conspiracy and ask Bill Clinton to be his character witness.