いち。ひゃく__(さん。ひゃく) 【Aesthetic】關山藍果 Longing for you day and in dream I'm hoping you're here and leading my way You steers my road anytime I need If you walk away, I will follow you Trying my love with your sacred gift you gave to me I won't vain and succeed it as your precious soul Holding your hand and I walking through the whole of the world Carrying your wish like the venus in the dim sky 不分晝夜總是渴求著你 殷盼你在此為我領航 你總在我需要時引領著我 你亦步我亦趨 帶著你的神秘賀禮來探索我的生活吧 有你珍貴的靈氣為伴 我將會功成名就而不致徒勞無功 緊握著你的手 就像矇矓天際的維納斯般 我會珍擁著你的願望 將足跡遍佈全世界 http:%%-//www%%-.youtube%%-.com/watch?v=cYSAWAoYXrI&feature=related @};- 永遠是"特牛B"的我