fiNally i gave Paan cHocolatEs
brought fRom Langkawi
hmm, maybe thiS is The Last thIng i Can dO
to cOme aCrOss oUr rElaTionshiP
fElt swEeT aS wHite cHocOlatEs
FelT HarD tO RepAint my Guiltiness as dArk cHocoLate
fElt haPPy i could shIne hiS lifE
still, that is a wall between us~~
my day becoMe full
i couldnt sTop thinKing bOut my bOOk
leC keep saying that This cant aldy
cant repair cant repaint cant do it
Dont do it
but y i still close my eyes
keep doing ~~
i dont wana think
felt guilty to all
felt sorry
felt i m useless, unresponsible
but what can i do
not my fault
Time fault!
they ran so fast
i couldnt chase
no time to c the publisher
y lec put the fault in my head?
his time is precious la, mine not?
shit la u!