1.Don’t Work too hard 不要過度工作
2.Think outside the Box 跳脫框架思考
3.be who you are and the right person will love you for it 做自己 那個對的人會因此愛你
4.maintain a well-groomed appearance 維持體面的儀容
5.eat more fish 多吃魚
6.get plenty of rest充分休息
7.nap anywhere 走到哪睡到哪
8.the best solution to a problem is a nap解決問題的最佳手段就是睡個覺
9.because naps are never to be ashamed of打個盹沒什麼好丟臉的
10.get away with murder by looking cute 賣萌避開殺身之禍
11.Only eat what you want 吃自己想吃的
12.don’t worry what others think of you 別擔心別人怎麼看你
13.don’t be afraid to let someone know you like them 別害怕讓別人知道你喜歡他們
14. Anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of焦慮沒有什麼好可恥的
15.irrational fears are normal 非理性的恐懼是正常的
16.look at things from a different perspective 從不同的角度看事情