2003年的「天空之城-美特拉(Meteora)」之後,已經有四年沒有發表全新專輯的「聯合公園」在全球樂迷屏息以待,倒數著「聯合公園」新專輯【Minutes to Midnight】的問世之下,這個讓所有樂迷望眼欲穿的全新錄音室大碟【Minutes to Midnight】,終於決定在5月15日隆重問市。
【Minutes to Midnight】想要表達出的其實就是『世界末日鐘(Doomsday Clock)』的概念!『世界末日鐘』是源自於美國二次世界大戰時期,當美國在日本長崎及廣島投下兩顆原子彈之後,在1974年由一群芝加哥大學研究原子科學的科學家們所一起創立的概念。科學家們以『世界末日鐘』這個虛擬的計時器,來警惕人類將因過度使用核武,而導致自我滅亡。
In this farewell, There is no blood
There is no alibi Cause I've drawn regret
From the truth Of a thousands lies
So let mercy come and wash away
What I've Done I'll face myself
To cross out what I've become
Erase myself and let go of what I've done
Put to rest, What you thought of me Well,
I clean this slate With the hands,
Of uncertainty So let mercy come,
And Wash away What I've Done
I'll face myself Tto cross what I've become
Erase myself And let go of what I've done
For what I've done I start again
And whatever pain may come
Today this ends I'm forgiving what I've done
I'll face myself To cross out what I've become
Erase myself And let go of what I've done (Na,Na,Na)
What I've Done What I've Done
Forgetting what I've done